Sunday, January 29, 2012

comment for Donovan Wiseman

I never thought about it but you are definietly right that the interiews from our last paper was us doing research. I think this was because they were actually fun, and I see research as long hard hours looking at a computer screen. I am also relatively new to Tallahassee and have had to mapquest all sorts of things. It is crazy how much research we do in our everyday lives.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Comment for Bryan Casale

I had the exact same thoughts on my highschool research paper. It is definetly easier to research in our everyday lives about things that we are actually interested in than research for a school research paper on a topic not to our liking. It is cool that you are really interested in looking up songs, I have always wanted to be but never put in the time or effort.

Blog #4:Research

When it comes to research for papers and classes, I do not have very much experience. I went through high school with all my teachers scaring us, telling us that in college we would have to write enormous papers on the most dull of topics. Just the word ‘research’ makes me nervous. I prefer writing about things I already know; for example, I like writing about my opinion on things. I guess you could say that just like every other high school and college student I am very lazy. I consider myself lucky because I only had to do one research paper in all my four years. It was called our ‘Senior Research Project’, and one of the most stressful tings I have ever had to do. Unlike now in college, they just told us it had to be ten pages and the due date. There were no drafts or conferences, so basically we all had no idea whether we were doing it right or not. I was lucky because I had a teacher that actually cared about us and helped when we were stressed.
                With that being said, research is not as bad as I made it out to be in my head. In fact, just minutes ago I was researching how to do an impossible chemistry homework problem. I research things on Google all day every day. As long as you give yourself enough time to research, also known as not procrastinating, the work will most likely be enjoyable.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

comment for Donovan Wiseman

I actually saw this movie as well and thought it was amazing. I saw the commercial once and was automatically hooked just like you. I feel that this was a great commercial to pick because it truely does draw you in no matter your age or interests. Watching the commercial before reading you blog made me want to go see it again; I guess that goes to show just how enticing it is!

comment for Alexa Broderick

It is very suprising that a corporation as family oriented as McDonalds would put up such a riskay advertisment. I question its legitamency but for the purpose of this assignment I would say you were probably right about teenagers-young adults being the target audience. If my grandma saw this she would have no idea what was going on! Its great that you brought some comedy into your blog; it makes homework assignments go by alot faster!

Blog #3- Dr. Pepper Commercial
^I highly suggest you watch this youtube video before reading this blog; it will make way more sense.  The advertisement I chose is a Dr Pepper 10 commercial that aired recently. It is a widely sexist commercial trying a little too hard to get the attention of men. When one thinks about something that is trying hard to sell something to a certain type of audience, this is always the first advertisement on mind. The whole entire commercial is a huge action scene supposedly from a movie women would not be interested in. There are, but not limited to, laser beams, snakes, doonbuggies, and even the famous net trapping the bad guys. The main character is a buff and rugged man in what seems to be his late forties. Everything he utters from the mouth on his manly jaw is either offensive to women or declaring how great men are. If you have not realized this by now, the commercial is directed toward men (though I would only hope you have).  The design teams’ strategy for this fine piece of work is simple: go big or go home. After doing a little research, it turns out that this commercial was launched when the company got feedback that Dr Pepper was drunken by mostly women. Thus, they created a flashy and enticing new product in steel gray, the most manly of colors, and an action packed commercial to go with it. This commercial draws in the audience no matter who it is because it is ridiculous and a bit comical. I can honestly say that this commercial did exactly what they wanted it to do; it got loads of attention.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Comment for Bryan Casale

I can tell from reading your ost that you have a passion for guitar like I have a passion for dance. These things get us through the hard times and it is good to know that you can always rely on it. I actually want to start playin gthe guitar but I do not have the time. The truth is that I got a guitar for Christmas in eighth grade and never used it.

comment for Alexa Broderick

The fact that the fox hat can make you so comfortable is amazing to me because I have always wondered why people wear hats like these and your blg has helped me to understand. I wish I had a magic hat that would help me in the awkward moments of my life!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bog#2: Dance

Dance has been something that really helped me get through hard times. I am the type of person that really needs something to focus all my energy on; for me this was dance. Dancing on my school’s dance team was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. We had class every day and practiced thirty five hours a week. I am sure that in seeing how much we practiced, it is no surprise that we were ranked in the top dance teams of the United States. The four years that I spent dancing were probably the most intense and painful years of my life. There was constant stress put on me to work a little harder, to be a little more flexible, to practice for a few more minutes, and I felt as though any moment I would break. The truth is that what got me through the injuries and long hours was my passion. I feel like everyone has the potential to be great, and jazz and lyrical dancing was what I was amazing at doing. I could lose myself in the music no matter how many times we repeated the song or step. Without dance, I honestly do not think I would have made it into Florida State University. The friends I made on my dance team and my coach all pushed me to be the best I could, and although I felt as though the world was pressing hard against my shoulders back then, I now look back and wish I had the chance to be on the team once again. Dance was and still is something that I can put my full heart into and feel like everything will be ok.